"Youths... communicators”
"Because we believe that youth is the future, and new change-makers have great power. Above all, we believe in the principle of self-determination in defining one's gender."

Join us forum on the subject of "Youths... communicators” hosted by the foundation of Transgender Alliance for human rights

Let's come together to communicate (draft) the Gender identity,gender expression sex characteristics act .We hope to establish gender recognition laws in Thailand.

See you on Friday,May,31 2024 7 : 00 PM - 8.30 PM.
Venue: Lido Hall 1 ,2nd Floor Lido Connect
Capacity: Only 120 seats available!!

Interpreters in sign language and English will be on available.

Fai Kiratiporn, Marketing and Free Movement Activist / Member of the Free Teoy Plus group, organizer of protest events, and
#Sulaimsong exhibition.

Don't miss out!! Join us in empowering youth by helping them connect with society and raising the awareness of rights to body , the right to change gender marker, and the right to self-determination of gender.